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Solución del problema 3.3 del libro Mecánica del medio continuo, Mase. 2da edición.

3.3 The stress tensor at P relative to axes Px1x2x3 has components in MPa given by the matrix representation

\displaystyle \left[ {{{\sigma }_{{ij}}}} \right]=\text{ }\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{{\sigma }_{{11}}}} & 2 & 1 \\ 2 & 0 & 2 \\ 1 & 2 & 0 \end{array}} \right)

where \displaystyle {{{\sigma }_{{11}}}} is unspecified. Determine a direction \displaystyle \hat{n} at P for which the plane perpendicular to \displaystyle \hat{n} will be stress-free, that is, for which \displaystyle {{t}^{{(\hat{n})}}}=0 on that plane. What is the required value of \displaystyle {{{\sigma }_{{11}}}} for this condition?





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Ver libro en: https://www.amazon.com/Continuum-Mechanics-Engineers-2nd-Second/dp/B0088OVS06

¿Quiéres el ejercicio resuelto en menos de 48 horas? Paga desde $US 4 (4 DÓLARES)  vía   PayPal   o   desde  $ 10.000 pesos (colombianos) vía Nequi si estás en Colombia, comunicándote al whatsapp +573203806207 para confirmar pago, y tendrás el ejercicio resuelto.